Course Teaching online

The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown taught us that learning and teaching can keep going if we move online. However, if online learning and teaching is to be effective, teachers and lecturers need the knowledge, skills, and values to do online learning well. This course is made up of five components:

Foundations of online teaching:

This component introduces the key concepts of learning and teaching online and explores the pedagogy and best practices of effective online teaching.

Teaching synchronously:

This component covers what you need to know and do to prepare for and teach online learning that happens in real time with real time interaction with learners using a variety of channels.

Teaching asynchronously:

This component covers what you need to know and do to prepare for and teach through online channels without real time interaction with your learners as you will not all be online at the same time.

Using Microsoft Teams to communicate your message:

This component helps anyone who needs to communicate their message to develop the knowledge and skills for using Microsoft Teams. This session goes into all aspects of the application and takes the user further than the overview provided in Session 2.

Teaching synchronously with Microsoft Teams:

This component extends the learning of Session 4 by focussing on real-life teaching and learning using Microsoft Teams by exploring classroom teaching opportunities provided by the app.

Teaching effectively in a hybrid classroom:

This component focuses on teaching and learning in a hybrid classroom, in which learners who are in person and online experience a synchronous lesson with a teacher.

It is recommended that you complete each of the sessions sequentially.



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  • Session 1

    Foundations of online teaching

    This Session develops a theoretical understanding of online teaching and provides a sound base for teaching and learning online, whether synchronously, or asynchronously.

  • Session 2

    Teaching synchronously

    This Session was designed to help a teacher prepare to present classes online synchronously.

  • Session 3

    Teaching asynchronously

    Teaching asynchronously is all about helping you as a lecturer create videos using a smartphone and/or computer.

  • Session 4

    Using Microsoft Teams to communicate your message

    This Session was designed to help anyone who needs to communicate their message to develop the knowledge and skills for using Microsoft Teams. For educators, this session is a useful addition to the rest of the course if they plan to offer online teaching full-time or as part of a hybrid offering.

  • Session 5

    Teaching synchronously with Microsoft Teams

    This Session was designed to extend the learning of Session 4 by focussing on real-life teaching and learning using Microsoft Teams by exploring classroom teaching opportunities provided by the app.

  • Session 6

    Teaching effectively in a hybrid classroom

    This session focuses on teaching and learning in a hybrid classroom, in which learners who are in person and online experience a synchronous lesson with a teacher.

Beginner Level


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Intermediate Level


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Advanced Level


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How to choose the right session for you

Some of the sessions require that you have particular skills so that you can benefit completely from the session. The table below will quickly help you decide what your skills are. Each session indicates what level of ICT skills on a device is required to successfully complete it.

Entry LevelNovice

  • I have never used a tablet before and don’t know how a tablet works.
  • I cannot send or receive emails on a tablet.
  • I cannot upload or download files (e.g. a PDF or images) on a tablet.
  • I cannot download an app from the relevant online app store (e.g. Google Play Store).
  • I have never used a tablet for teaching and learning.

Entry LevelBasic

  • I have used a tablet before, but need assistance in most tasks.
  • I am able to send and receive an email on a tablet.
  • I cannot upload and download files (e.g. a PDF or images) on a tablet.
  • I cannot download an app from the relevant online app store (e.g. Google Play Store).
  • I don’t use a tablet for teaching and learning.

Entry LevelStandard

  • I use my tablet for teaching and learning.
  • I show YouTube videos on a tablet as part of my lessons.
  • I use tablets in class mainly for drill-and-practice exercises.
  • I use eBooks on my tablet, while the learners use print books.
  • I decide when and how we use technology in class.

Adoption Level

  • I use my tablet for teaching and learning, and also for management and administration.
  • I embrace the use of tablets for teaching and learning.
  • I use blended learning techniques, such as eBooks, but I also use print books and paper.
  • My learners and I use eBooks on our tablets in class and watch videos on our tablets related to the topics we learn about.
  • I always use tablets for specific tasks, but not all the time.
  • My learners have their own tablets OR our school has a shared set of tablets, that I use as often as I can.
  • Although I decide how and when we use technology in class, I am gradually guiding my learners towards independent use of tablets.

Adaptation Level

  • I am used to technology and I use my tablet for teaching and learning, and also for management and administration.
  • I have a cloud-based system such as Google Drive, or a learning management system, that is linked to my tablet when I teach.
  • My learners and I use tablets in class and I push content to them using our learning management system.
  • My learners use tablets in class, and this helps them develop future-oriented skills such as collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking.
  • My learners come up with new ways of using tablets in their group work and individual learning.
  • My learners are growing closer to the time when they’ll be able to use their tablets independently.