Microsoft OneNote

Price: R125

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Session description

Welcome to Microsoft OneNote – the first session of the Intermediate level of Course 7: Microsoft for Windows tablet devices. In this session, you will learn:

  1. OneNote (including Notebooks, Sections, Pages, tags and various features)
  2. Overview of OneNote Class Notebook and Staff Notebook
  3. Copyright, Creative Commons and free open content as resources for teaching and learning

Assessment Task

  • The participant creates a notebook and page in OneNote and shares these.

Notional Learning Time

When you get your certificate, you will notice that we have indicated Notional Learning Time. This is the amount of time we expect a learner to spend on achieving the outcomes of this session. It is made up of the two hours of the training here, and then the time taken to complete your Badge Assessment Task. It is an estimate and you may find you spend a little less time, or perhaps a little more.

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